Dorothy’s Diary #3

In Journal by Greg


Dorothy's Diary #3 August
Life on Cooling's Farm in East Prawle for young heifer calf, Dorothy and her sidekick, Dotty.

Dorothy is out grazing with her friends and growing nicely. The Wotton family, who own Cooling's Farm, have just finished their second cut of silage and are now getting ready for the calving season to start.

We look forward to being bombarded with photos during calving season!

All of the goats have now kidded and are enjoying spending their time out in the last bit of summer sun. 


During July, haymaking and silage collection carried on, with baling a key element of work on the farm.

Round bales are made for the cattle like Dorothy. This is important to make sure that Dorothy and her friends have enough to eat and are consuming the correct nutrients that Jersey cows need in order to develop.


Annie is the youngest daughter of Sharpham owners, Nicky and Greg and has 'adopted' Dorothy to find out more about what happens on the farm where our Jersey herd is cared for by Jonny and Marina Wotton. Read more about Coolings Farm in East Prawle on Our Farmers page.