Sharpham Cremet Arancini

In Journal, Recipes by Greg

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Sharpham Cremet Arancini is a truly indulgent dish. Spheres of crispy golden breadcrumbs reveal steaming hot risotto with a melted Sharpham Cremet centre making them both gooey and delicious. Serve on a rich bed of rich tomato sauce for dunking. These makes the most satisfying of summer evening meals. This recipe is versatile to make for a main, starter or even appetiser, just change the size of the ball and use a smaller quantity of Cremet if you need just a bite-sized mouthful.

Meet the Maker #5 Jane

In Journal by Greg

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Summer is a great time to introduce you to Jane, our Sharpham Maker #5. She loves nothing more than catching the last of the evening summer sun, sitting by her greenhouse after a day working outside.Briefly what does a typical day look like for Jane? I arrive at the Dairy just before 9am. Not an early starter like everyone else!  …

All about edible flowers for your cheeseboard

In Journal by Greg

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Edible flowers are a great addition to lots of dishes. From canapés to desserts and of course cheeseboards, they can add vibrant colour and unexpected flavour.Not all flowers are edible but it’s surprising how many are and particularly at this time of year it feels like there’s an abundance of them! Don’t pick too many as it’s great to leave …

Sharpham Baked Camembert and a Strawberry Salsa

In Journal, Recipes by Greg

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Sharpham Camembert is baked to perfection for a deliciously oozy, creamy cheese and then topped with a lovely light Strawberry salsa made with chopped rosemary fresh Britsh strawberries and a dash of balsamic and honey for a striking Summertime recipe, perfect for sharing with family and friends and goes very well with a glass of Sharpham Pinot Noir Rose.

How to make the Perfect Summer Cheeseboard

In Journal by Greg

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Learn how to make the perfect summer cheeseboardNow the nights are longer, and that sunny space on your patio is crying out for an evening spent with friends, why not try something different? Forget the usual BBQ; instead, try a delicious cheeseboard together with a bottle of something light and refreshing … a cheese and wine night for your friends …

Sharpham Savoury, Squash, Sage Picnic Rolls

In Journal, Picnic by Greg

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These Sharpham Savoury, Squash, Sage and Cheesy Rolls are the perfect addition to any picnic, BBQ or late summer evening meal. Vegetarian, tasty and nutritious they tick all the boxes. They can easily be frozen and brought out to entertain guest or to be packed on those last minute camping of picnic adventures. A lovely combination of sweet and then savoury from the cheese and herbs, they go incredibly well with a spoonful of Sharpham red onion marmalade.

Come Meet The Team At This Year’s 2023 Events

In Journal by Greg

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WHERE WILL YOU FIND SHARPHAM CHEESE SHOWS AND EVENTS IN 2023?Here at Sharpham, we love to get out and about at shows and events across the county. It’s our chance to get to meet our lovely customers and for you to come and chat with the team. Different members of the team are usually at the show from Greg and …

Meet the Maker #4 Greg

In Journal by Greg

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This B Corp Month we thought we’d grill our MD and Big Cheese, Greg Parsons, and share the man, the myth and the legend with the world…Briefly what does a typical day look like for Greg? An early riser, Greg is up and out of the house before the family is awake and has covered the 35 miles to the …